
Invitation and new dealine - VII Volcanism and Associated Environments Symposium

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you  to attend to the Thematic Session "STV - 3 Magmatism in Sedimentary Basins and Interations with Petroleum Systems (Magmatismo em Bacias Sedimentares e Interações com Sistemas Petrolíferos)" of VII Volcanism and Associated Environments Symposium (VII Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados - VII SVAA). We expect contributions related to volcanology, geophysics, structural, and petrological aspects of the magmatic processes in Brazilian Basins and their interactions to the conventional and non-conventional petroleum systems. The VII SVAA will be part of the 49o Brazilian Geological Congress (20-24 August 2018, Rio de Janeiro) and a good opportunity to broad and deep discussions on magmatic processes in the Brazilian Basins and their role in the related petroleum systems.

Thanks for you attention and I appreciate if you can spread the annoucement to your colleagues. The new deadline for abstract submission is April 30th 2018.

Sincerely yours,

  • -----------------------------------------------------------
    Isabela Carmo
    Av. Horácio Macedo, 950 - Quadra 7, Coroa Central -  sala 9005A
    CEP 21941-915 - Rio de Janeiro- RJ – Brasil
    Tel.  +55 21 2162-1790
    Fax: +55 21 2162-6441